Organizational Objectives
"God’s People Advancing Gods Kingdom”
Association Mission/Objective
The name of this body shall be known as The Ebenezer Baptist Association and shall be composed of Baptist Churches and its ministries - mainly Missionary Ministries, Christian Education, and Youth Ministry.
This Body shall be composed of representatives sent by the different churches which comprise this constituency. The pastor of the member churches shall be a member of the Advisory Council of the association.
The mission of this Body shall be to make Disciples of Christ, promote evangelical religious work, maintain and promote Christian Education, invest in home and foreign missions work. This Body shall be available to churches of the association, to provide assistance when requested. Looks into requests for assistance from the church Body and suggest corrective measures for mutual prosperity in times of difficulty, advises and suggest ways and means for doing good. To help by righteous means to continue to spread the Gospel in our communities and throughout the world.